Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I feel like crap...thank God!!

Yes! I have felt sick on and off all day! That just sounds weird...sorry...never been pregnant before! Anyway, I think I am getting fatter. I haven't touched regular jeans since I was on stims, but I just look bigger. Maybe it is due to the change in my diet. I used to eat a couple times a day...lucky if one of those times was actually a meal. If it was, it was an Extra Value Meal from BK. Now, I am eating a ton. It is all healthier food and absolutely no caffeine (very proud of myself), but it is still more food. My main craving has been tomato juice...strange! But hey, it's good for me and the "babies"!

I used a Chinese Gender Prediction Calendar today and it says it's a girl! Yayyyy!! I hope it is right. I mean, if it's a boy, I will still be so thankful and happy, but I have always dreamed of having a girl. I guess we will know in about 14 more weeks. That seems so far away!!

Baby Gender Predictor
Baby Gender Predictor


HereWeGoAJen said...

I am glad you are feeling awful! Hehe. Well, not glad you are feeling awful, but glad it is reassuring to you.

sara said...

I'm so happy you feel like crap. I only mean that with the sweetest intentions! I'm glad you had a safe trip home, and I hope those 14 weeks fly by. It's funny about the tomato juice craving. Mine has been scrambled eggs and red meat. Usually I eat red meat a few times a year. I've already had it more than 10 times! Maybe I'm having a big beefy boy and you're having a girl!

Morrisa said...

He he, congrats on feeling like crap! I have been craving tomato juice too ever since I started the PIO shots!

Maria said...

YAY for feeling awful!! Tomato juice is a great thing to crave. YAY for healthiness.

s.e. said...

I have always secretly dreamt of a girl too. Very proud of your new eating habits and I am glad you can find joy in feeling sick! I totally understand.

AddieLynn said...

Candi! So glad to hear that m/s is still in full effect! I know it is reassuring. I'm so excited for you, and hope you get your girl...

and a boy! ;-D

Tina said...

Yay for feeling sick....there are not many times in your life you can be happy about being nauseated. LOL