Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Beta #3...woot woot!

Beta #3 (20dp3dt) 2,634!! I am 100% reassured now and will not be returning to that lab anytime soon!! The blood testing is officially over!!! I am very curious about how many babies we've got in there!! I will be totally happy with 1, but I can't help but secretly wish for twins! With my disability, I know it would be a challenge, but God never gives us more than we can handle. I have faith in Him that He will do what is best for me and Steven.

I wasn't sick at all today!! I went shopping at Motherhood. Their jeans and sweaters are on clearance. They gave me a gift bag with Curel Pregnancy and Motherhood lotion, A Playtex Drop-ins bottle, and J&J baby lotion...along with lots of useful coupons!! Being pregnant is so cool!! I love free stuff!

My BFF and I went to a matinee today. We saw "Prom Night". I was alright, but nothing I'd watch again. It was one of those slow starters! We are counting the days until "Baby Mama" comes out. It looks too funny and might be educational...or maybe not!!

So, I am off to eat dinner and rest. It has been a pretty eventful and exciting day. I'm whooped and ready to lay down with my puppies and watch a movie!


JW Moxie said...

I think with your numbers, it could go either way. You're in twin range, but not so high that I'd bet money on it! Either way, you have FABULOUS numbers! Definitely higher than average, so there's at least one there!

A group of surrogates and I are going to see Baby Mama together. Educational? Maybe, if they do the surrogacy process justice. If you have questions you can ask me! :)

HereWeGoAJen said...

Excellent beta! Way to go!

s.e. said...

Bravo! You just keep sharing better and better news. I understand secretly hoping for twins. When I started treatment, I thought that concept was insane. After all that we went through, two does sound wonderful. I am glad you were able to enjoy yourself today!

sara said...

Wow that's a great beta! Way to go...that is so great :-) I want to see that Prom movie as well as Bab.y Mama. I hope you have a good night on the couch with the puppies!

Maria said...

Amazing beta!!

Morrisa said...

Yay! Great beta number!