Thursday, April 24, 2008

Huh?! Sorry...didn't hear ya!

I am having ear issues. When I woke up yesterday, my left ear was completely clogged. Couldn't hear a thing. I don't really use Q-tips because they are bad for you and you are supposed to have some earwax, but I cleaned it out and I got nothing. Steven suggested putting a hot washcloth on it. It popped a little, but I was still not hearing well. My mom gets swimmer's ear, so she gave me some of the ear drops she uses. At first, it seemed like it was working...but didn't fully unclog. So now I am on to peroxide. My mom just ran to the drugstore for me. I really hope it works...this is frickin annoying!

I am packing right now. Steven and I are going to NY for the weekend. My little brother just got home (thank you Jesus!) from Iraq. I haven't seen him since my wedding in November of 2006. I miss him so much and can't wait to see him!! He is staying at my dad's, who I just adore. We have a blast together...never a dull moment!! He breeds boxers and that's where Bianca came from. She was last year's Christmas present to me and Steven. He has both the mom & dad, so Bianca will get to play with them. She has done a lot of growing since we saw them in January, so I'm sure they will all be so surprised!

Steven's mom also lives in NY and I just absolutely love visiting with her...and the rest of his family. Luckily, I do not have "monster-in-law" problems. I think of her as a 2nd mom and enjoy hanging out with her! She is a very faithful Christian, as I am, and I know I can go to her with any problems or questions I have and she will sincerely help me. I consider myself to be very, very blessed.

My mom is cooking us a nice, full-balanced meal before we go...otherwise it's McDonald's for the hungry pregnant lady!! Bailey, Bianca, and I are packed...Steven, of course is waiting until last minute! So, hopefully we will be on the road by 6pm, and be to my mother-in-law's by 11:30ish. That will give us the full day to spend with my brother tomorrow. We will probably split Saturday between the families. Sunday I am singing in church then we will hang with his family. Hopefully, we will head home Sunday around 5pm.

So, I may not be around for a few days, but I will be sure to update with pictures on Monday. Hopefully, I can have a weekend without morning sickness so I can enjoy my family! Have a good weekend!!


HereWeGoAJen said...

Have a good trip! It sounds like lots of fun.

s.e. said...

Amazing about your brother and I am glad he is home. Enjoy your family time and hope you feel good through it all!

sara said...

I'm so glad that your brother made it home okay..I hope you get back to hearing great and have a great weekend!