Monday, April 21, 2008

Mo' pregnant, mo' problems.

I am grateful for every day that I'm pregnant...but I can tell this isn't going to be easy. I have been terribly nauseated, exhausted, bloated, and now we can add night sweats to the list. I've tried everything. I've slept naked, used no blankets, put ice packs on and around my head...still sweating buckets! I have to keep a towel next to me in bed to wipe the sweat off every 10 minutes or so. I have been having trouble sleeping because it feels disgusting to be drenched. This morning, I was so tired, but all I could think about is getting in the shower. I got up too fast and ended up sick and dizzy in the shower. I think it is the estrogen patches that are making me sweat at night. I called the RE and he said I can stop them as soon as we see a heartbeat. Thank God!! Only 2 more weeks of this insanity!

I also asked about beta #3. He said because beta #2 was so high, it isn't necessary to do another one. He said, however, if I would like to go in and have a 3rd for peace of mind, he would send the order to the lab. The needlephobic in me almost said no...but then the mommy in me punched her in her needle-hatin' face! So...beta #3 is tomorrow!!


HereWeGoAJen said...

Oh, yes, the night sweats. My husband is amazed that I continue to live with the temperatures that I have been getting up to at night. He's reached over and touched me a couple of times and been astounded. I usually just get up and go to the bathroom. By the time I get back, I am cool enough to go back to sleep. (Plus, the bed has cooled off too.) I hope it goes away when you get off the estrogen patches. (It sounds like you are getting them worse than I am.)

Beth said...

That is crazy that you are already having so much morning sickness. Do you think there could be more than one bundle of joy in there (if so, that would be exciting!!!) I have only woken up once with night sweats since this all started & it was sooo weird. I was completely drenched, it was a bit gross!!! Good luck with the beta tomorrow, can't wait to hear the results.

Tara said...

I had night sweats only for about a week and they they were gone.

Now I'm on to other uncomfortable things....

Morrisa said...

Hmmm..I'm hoping that the night sweats don't last long...sounds uncomfortable.

JW Moxie said...

I never had night sweats, but others who have did say they stopped after dropping the extra estrogen. I hope you'll have some relief!

sara said...

Wow, maybe there is more than one? I have had some night sweats, but none sounding as bad as yours. If your nausea gets really unbearable, see if they can put you on zo.fran. It's a pill and it has done wonders for me. I actually can go to work (when I'm allowed to work). I'm sure you'll get a fabulous beta tomorrow - I love that the momma in you is breaking out!

Tina said...

Ahhh the joys of pgy. I had the worst nausea and vomitting with all my pgys but my Triplets were the WORST.