Sunday, April 6, 2008

What? I thought the hard part was over!

Why is it that everything post-ET is harder? You'd think that all the stuff we did to prepare the embryos would be the worst of it. You have the money issues, daily fetility drugs, hormonal outbursts (which I think I handled OK), retrieval, waiting, transfer, get the point. I mean, IVF is just stressful anyway, but I kind of expected Steven and I to be able to stay calm during the 2ww. For some reason, that isn't happening. I am praying that we can relax and give these babies a fighting chance of sticking in there.

I am naughty. I bought a 5 pack of Early Detection Pregnancy Tests off of eBay today. They won't be here for a few days...and if I decide to test at home, I am going to hold off until at least 9dp3dt. Right now, I am 4dp3dt. So, maybe over the weekend I will decide. Outsiders are all saying "no...wait". As much as I am going to try, I am weak!! We'll see!


HereWeGoAJen said...

Yeah, I've always found the two week wait to be the worst. During the first two weeks, you know. But now, you are wondering. And that is the hardest part.

Go ahead and test if you want.

Pufferfish said...

Hey, thanks for visiting my blog. The TWW was bad, but you are right--going to New Orleans for 6 days of the last week made it fly by!
For me--I'm back in the stirrups for Round #2.
I will keep you in my sticky thoughts! :)

sara said...

I don't think you're weak! This last two week wait from our IVF we did on St Patty's day was seriously the longest two weeks of my life. I thought..oh I'll keep busy, watch movies, see friends. But no - it still dragged forever! So whenever you want to test, I say test. At least if you get a negative now you'll know the trigger is out of your system. Then any positive is truly a positive! I'm sending some good thoughts your way..and truly wishing the best for you!

Tara said...

The 2ww is the hardest time of it all if you ask me. At least before the ET you have things to keep your mind busy - like needles and appointments and such. But after, it's silent and your mind is left to wander.

I didn't POAS for my first IVF cycle and I was really shocked and devastated when I got a BFN. I tested this time to be able to be prepared for whatever the outcome might be. I'll be really screwed up if the pee sticks are wrong though.

Maria said...

The 2ww is H E L L. I'm sending you lots of strength and support.

I would at least wait until 9dp3dt.

sara said...

Thanks for the congrats, how are you hanging in there?

Morgan said...

Hope you're finding ways to stay occupied! Best of luck.

Tina said...

LOL EVERYBODY POAS before beta day. If they say they don't they are soooooooooo lying. LOL