Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Mommy's little tax deduction.

Did you know that no matter what month you have your baby in, you get to claim them on your taxes for the entire year??! What a nice surprise! We will be able to start a nice savings for Carter in 8-15 days, LOL!

Oh yeah, the milk. I almost forgot about the milk. My boobs are starting to feel full after 3 days of no pumping...not bad! I think my theory of "if it hurts, get it out." really worked! The cabbage relieved the pain for the first couple of days and then I just did what I needed to do. The main thing to remember for all of you who asked for tips on drying up is that comfort is the most important thing. Just relieve the pain when you can't handle it and be patient!

Well, its Carter's bathtime, then its a bottle and bedtime! Hope you all have a great night!!


Tara said...

Yeah! And here in Canada we also get to claim our IVF expenses on our tax returns. So I should be in for a good return this year - baby AND IVF to claim! Woohoo!

Maybe I'll use the money to pay down my IVF debt... ugh!

The Boncoddo's Blog said...

Make sure you look into getting a stimulus check for the little guy. I'm pretty sure that if you didn't qualify in 2007 (because the little man wasn't here) but you did qualify in 2008 you can still get the rebate for him!

Lisa said...

Oh yes....Gotta love tax time!! Glad to hear that things are going well with drying up!

sara said...

I just discovered this yesterday as freakin awesome is this! So basically do you just pump when it gets unbearable? That sounds like a good idea. Also, do you take anything for pain? Does it hurt really bad? I'm going to do this after awhile so I'm just picking your brain. Sorry for the 101 questions. Brynn is watching Yo Gabba Gabba :-) Hug Carter for me, okay?

HereWeGoAJen said...

Yes! We are very excited about that! And we also had her on one year's worth of insurance deductible instead of two.