Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Finally...something that works!!

Please excuse my lack of make-up in the pictures...I'm a mom. Anyway...I looooooove the BabyBjorn!!!!!! Being disabled, things always work differently for me than they do for everyone else. Normally it is for the worse. When I put on the carrier, I was amazed! We are both very comfortable and I feel like Carter is secure enough for me to not have my hands on him like I did when he was in the sling. It was easy to put on and it seems to be very supportive. Honestly, I think I have finally found that one item I can't live without. I give it 5 stars and 2 thumbs up! I totally recommend it to any new mom who would love to have their hands back!


Lisa said...

You look great even without make-up so quit worrying. Looks like Carter is really enjoying the carrier as well... he looks happy and content and I LOVE your new background!!

Stacemoe said...

How cute are you??? Make-up or no make-up!!! You seriously look sooo happy!!!! I am so happy for you and Carter is the sweetest thing ever!!! I am so happy that all your dreams came true and you are a Mommy!!! The days just get better and better!!!!

HereWeGoAJen said...

Great! I love things that work just right.

Tara said...

That's great that it's working for you. We're still working out the bugs with ours!

sara said...

You look great by the way, and you even match the Bjorn, LOL! Glad it's working out. Brynn actually slept in it for 3 hours last night on my chest. She had a temp and it was the only thing that calmed her down :-)