Monday, January 19, 2009

What a day, what a day.

Today Carter decided that he didn't want to hang out with me. Despite every effort to make him happy, he just cried and screamed and tried to wiggle his way out of my arms. It was awful. It kinda hurt my feelings. I honestly feel like he's mad at me.

The morning started out very good. I woke up and he had already been fed and was all smiles when Steven handed him over to me. We played and laughed for at least 45 minutes before he started getting cranky. At first, it was just a little fussing...that turned into crying...that turned into full on meltdowns every 5 minutes. I had to re-adjust him to make sure he wasn't scrunched and hurting. He was crying like he was in pain. He didn't seem to have gas and he pooped just fine, so I had no remedies to fix it. I felt helpless and sad that just being cuddled by me wasn't enough.

Steven got home and as soon as I handed Carter over, he stopped crying. That was like a twist of the knife. I assume it is because I can't walk him around, but that is just one more thing to add to the list of "Mommy can'ts". It sucks when you know what your baby needs but you can't help them. Even though I tried preparing myself for times like this before he arrived, I didn't realize how hard it would be. I am so thankful that I have a husband that takes on all of the things I can't.

On a brighter note, I saved us a ton of money by making the invitations to Carter's dedication ceremony by myself. I Googled "baptism invitations" and saved one of the sample ones and added my own stuff to it. They turned out way cute! All I have to do is get card stock to print it on, then I am going to attach a blue piece to the back and hot glue a bow to the top and voila! They will look pretty professional. I need to get this show on the road...they need to be printed and sent by next Sunday. His dedication is going to be in NY at the church we were married at. We still consider that to be our "church family" and want to share this special day with all of them.

Well...I had a rough day so I think I'll be going to bed soon. I am whooped and could really use a good night's sleep...we'll see if Carter will allow it!!


Lisa said...

Don't worry about a thing. You are a great Mom. I know that there are days that Cameron wants to be with my dear husband and that bothers me, but I know that I am a great Mom and so are you.

Tina said...

Oh I'm sorry you had a horrible day. Unfortunately there will be days like that. I can't even begin ti imagine how that must feel like for you.

I was going to ask you if one day you could do a "day in the life" kind of post. You know a post of what your day is like, being a Mom in a wheel chair, and how you do things.

I am just so interested how you adapt to many of the things the rest of us take for grantid.

Just a though.

Hang in there and I hope and pray youget a full nights sleep and Carter is an well behaved little angel tomorrow.

HereWeGoAJen said...

Elizabeth does the same thing with both of us. I'm sure the time will come when Carter will refuse to be held by Steven and only want you. It does hurt when that happens though.

Anonymous said...

Hi Candi!
Carter is beautiful!!
If you haven't done your invites yet, Michaels has Martha Stewart bows already pre-tied and with sticky stuff on the back. Super cute and way easy :)