Friday, January 9, 2009

What's all over your shirt??

Day 2 of drying up is upon me. I made the misake of taking no precautions before bed last night. At Carter's 1st feeding, I was just a bit moist, but nothing to worry about. When we woke up at 6:30, I was pretty much soaked from my neck to my waist. So, I cleaned up and started with the old binding and cabbage routine. It feels good...but smells awful! I guess I left it on too long because I just leaked through, and I was wearing breast pads under my ace wrap! It's gonna be a long couple of weeks for me!

Carter is crying, so I will wrap this up. Hope you all have a great weekend!


Tina said...

Oh I know the pain. I did not BF my Triplets and the odeal of drying up was HORRIBLE. I had enough milk to feed a small country.

My heart goes out to you.

Stacemoe said...

Just wanted to check in and let you know I was thinking about you...You are doing a great job with Sweet Carter...Praying the drying up goes quickly and with little discomfort..
Hang in there!!! Hope ya'll have a great weekend!

sara said...

I hope you are as dry as the desert in no time there Candi! Is the cabbage leaves really working? Funny how there are so many more tricks of the trade out there than we ever know about, huh? My pedi said it was okay to give Brynn some gripe water on top of her usual Zantac and other stuff. Do you just give the 5ml that is on the bottle directions? Thanks so much as always and I hope you are having a great weekend! ((hugs))