Sunday, January 11, 2009

Chugging along...

I am still going strong with no BFing...well technically I am still BFing because Carter still gets what I have in the refrigerator. I think we have 3 or 4 bags left now. I didn't pump at all yesterday and finally gave in around noon today. I only pumped about 5 or 6 oz total...I went for a little over 10 minutes...just until the pain subsided. Personally, I don't think that is bad for 2 days without pumping! I am feeling pretty good about it.

Today was supposed to be a productive day, but thanks to the world of Internet gaming, its been a pretty lazy day. Steven plays World of Warcraft with his brothers online. Now, I completely understand it is a way for them to connect across the miles (they're both in NY), but I miss hanging out with my husband. Since I have Carter all day, Steven does night feedings to give me a break. During the week he gets home from work and is so tired that we don't really hang out. On the weekends, he is pretty much on the computer non-stop, talking to his brothers on the phone the entire time. He always pauses if I need help with something, but goes right back. Its cool that he has a hobby and can connect with his family in this way because he and his brothers have always been so close...but what about this family? The computer is literally 20 feet from the couch, where I am usually sitting, but I couldn't feel further away when hes online.

Another thing that I hate is that he gets so into it that stuff doesn't get done in a timely fashion and I end up looking like the nag. The house will be messy until right before bedtime tonight. He'll blow through all of it then. My mom came in from work this morning and said she had gotten stuck in the driveway because of all the snow. We have a snowblower, but Steven was playing with his brothers last night and never got around to it. My mom doesn't do any of that stuff...I don't really know why. She'll just complain until I nag him enough to get it done. We are out of dog food and Steven has to go out and get more at some point. Bailey doesn't eat dog food, so he has already been fed, but Bianca is going to wonder where her dinner is shortly if he doesn't get with it! It sucks that the only person willing to do these things now is a) completely physically unable, and b) taking care of a baby. I just feel like I am stuck. I can't do it...and I can't get anyone else to either. OK...I am done venting about that! I know it will get done at the last minute tonight as it always I should just be happy.

Carter gets his Synagis tomorrow. The nurse is coming at 11am. I hate when he has to get shots. I think I cry more than he does!! I also hate that they do it at home. This is supposed to be the safe place! My mom gets home from work at 9:30, so maybe she will hold him this time. I thought I could handle doing it last time...and I was wrong! This is his 3rd shot of 6. If our insurance pays for it, he will get 12. I hope it does because RSV is nothing to mess with. He had such a rough start. I just want him to be healthy now.

Well, Steven is off the computer and is now snuggling with Carter on the couch. At least I know that no matter what dumb hobby comes along, he is always going to be World's Best Dad! That's all that should matter. A clean driveway and a quiet mother are just luxuries!


HereWeGoAJen said...

Matt and I haven't had as much time to spend together since Elizabeth arrived either. It's getting better though, I'm sure you guys will find some too.

Lisa said...

Candi - Sorry that things are so crazy. I would just tell your DH that you need a little more help from him around the house. Just tell him that it is bothering you. I am sure if you are nice about it then perhaps he will help a bit sooner. I know that I use to be in the same shoes when I had Cameron, but sports on tv is what always had Shawn's attention. Just tell him that you miss the snuggle time with him and see what he says. At least he knows how you feel (ya know?)

Glad to hear that the BFing is going well. Hopefully before you know it... you will get less and less and not have to do it anymore.

Good Luck with the shots tomorrow. Cameron has an appt tomorrow for his 2 year checkup and I think he gets a shot or two and I hate it when he has to have them....I am just like you - I cry more then he does.

Well, have a nice evening and hopefully you get some Mommy/Daddy snuggle time soon.


Not in the Water said...

Candi -

Vent away b/c you sound like me. We don't even have kids and I dread when we do that he won't step it up. He can play PS2 for hours...or his music.

Boys are just dumb sometimes!!

sara said...

Jason and I are like ships passing in the night it seems like. We call our time "shifts" and we plan the day around whose shift with Brynn it is. It doesn't really seem like much of a relationship or marriage these days...just Brynn sitting. As much as I love it, it seems odd sometimes. And at others...I get frustrated. I get frustrated because I feel like we never get anything done, or have time for things. But I do love having our little girl around of course. I hope that everything you want to get done gets done and that the shots tomorrow go off with smooth sailing. I always cringe when Brynn gets hers. THanks for the info on the pacifiers. I hope you're having an okay weekend sweetie!

sara said...

Oh yeah...what formula are you transitioning to?