Wednesday, March 26, 2008

It's official...

...everyone is getting pregnant but me! At least that's what I thought when I saw this...


WTF, you ask? This dude was born a woman, had a sex change, but decided to keep his female reproductive organs. When he discovered that his wife was unable to conceive, he figured "I'll dust off the old uterus and do it myself." I am kinda grossed out by it, but whatever. I assume he will deliver by c-section...he gets my respect if he can manage to squeeze an 8 pound baby out of his weenie!

As for me, I had blood work today. The RN called and told me to increase my Follistim by "two clicks". I guess that's a medical term. Are we increasing or decreasing here? Make up my mind, people! Anyway, Steven did it when he gave me my ended up being about 96iu. Strange, but I did it anyway. So, blood work and ultrasound tomorrow at 8:15, then I meet with the RE on Friday to discuss everything. I think I trigger on Friday!! Woo hoo!!


HereWeGoAJen said...

Yeah, that's a weird story.

I am excited about the trigger on Friday! Hooray!

LadyofAvalon56 said...

Thanks for visiting my blog, Candi. :)

Yes, it does look weird, but hey, I guess it's always a good thing to have a spare uterus around? I just hope the wife knew that he had been a woman *before* he offered up his spare womb.

Good luck with all those follies! I am praying for you, as well!

Anonymous said...

Hi Candi-
I am hoping and praying for you too! Good luck! I can't wait for my 1st u/s on Friday to see how many follies I have. Your cycle is going by really fast!! Keep us posted!!!!

Tara said...

He apparently still has a vagina so technically he could deliver naturally.

Yeah, it's a pretty sad state of affairs when men are getting pregnant and we're not.

Paula Keller said...

Ohmygosh, that guy/girl? is so creepy!

I mean, I'm pretty open-minded (at least I think I am), but that is weird!

Tina said...

I saw that story........weird and a little disturbing.