Monday, March 31, 2008

The Dirty Dozen!

Well, the Clinic just called. After checking further for maturity, they were able to inject 13 of my eggs. 12 of them successfully fertilized!! I could not be happier! I said I would be happy with anything over 5 or babies went above and beyond!! There is obviously still time for things to happen, but 12 is a great start! I will get another report tomorrow between 9-11am. Please keep my embryos in your thoughts and prayers. I'll update as soon as I hear the numbers tomorrow.

I am feeling pretty good today. I began my Prometrium this morning to make a nice fluffy lining to put my babies back in. So far, no major side effects. Tonight I begin antibiotics to ward off any infection from yesterday's procedure and Medrol to assist in helping my little babies implant successfully. I am also very paranoid about getting OHSS, so of course every twinge is a symptom to me. I think the worst of it is just the bloating and tightness in my abdomen. I am trying to take it easy and just rest today with a bunch of good movies, so I think I'll be feeling better in no time!


HereWeGoAJen said...

Awesome! Way to go! Twelve is a great start! I will keep my fingers crossed.

Jess said...

Hi, I'm new to your blog...found you on cyclesistas I think. I'm so happy for you to read this fertilization report. My "grow grow grow" thoughts will be with your embies today. Good luck!

Soapchick said...

Wow that is fabulous!!! Best wishes on your transfer and 2 ww.

Tara said...

That's fantastic news!

Maria said...

YAY!! 12 is amazing!!

I kwym about worrying about OHSS, I was the same way, but never had a problem. Just keep resting and drinking fluids.

Can't wait till your transfer!