Friday, September 4, 2009

I'm not crazy...stop looking at me like that! my appointment yesterday was good. I took my 1st dose of clomid last night. we go again! Keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times!

You wouldn't believe the looks I got there seeing as how I'm seeking fertility help while holding my 10 month old. I have always dreamed of having 2 kids close in age and them being best friends. So, that is what I am going to do. I keep telling people, "I'm doing it with or without everyone's'll be easier on you if you jump on board because I don't care." Honestly, as long as my husband and close friends and family are cool with it, I have all I need. I am perfectly happy.

We did discuss with the doctor (again) the possibility of multiples and what we will do seeing as how my uterus does not have the room for one baby, let alone two. He said "I already know what your decision would be...but I need you to think about everything carefully." I am giving it to God. If I get pregnant with twins, it will be His will what happens.

OK...Carter needs a nap so I can clean!! So...keep us in your prayers. Have a great weekend!

Sink tubby.

Playing with Viking Brobee.

My beautiful blue eyed boy!


Taylor & Krisa said...

He is just a doll! Good luck to you on your new journey. I don't know if I have the strength to do it again!

Lisa said...

Well, good luck to you on baby #2. As goes for Carter... he is so adorable and getting so BIG. What a precious miracle! Sounds like you are enjoying motherhood : )


Daddy's Dream ~Mommy's Miracle said...

Carter is adorable....wishing you the best of luck. May God be in control.

Mike and Dee said...

What an absolute angel he is! I hope he gets his best friend soon. Sending baby dust your way!

Lauren said...

Got everything crossed for you w/ baby #2!!