Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Snot Monster

Carter has been sick for a couple days. We took him to the doctor today because she wanted to check up on his development, considering he wasn't sitting up on his own at his 9 month well-visit. Obviously, everything is fine with that. She checked his lungs, ears and chest and said that its just a regular ole' cold and it'll run its course. Poor guy is dripping snot 24/7!

We hit another milestone today...Carter pulled himself up!! We are so proud of him!! Now the fun begins as he learns to walk! Pray for me!!

I finally got around to designing and printing Carter's birthday invitations. I have been working on them for quite some time. I even toyed with the idea of paying to have them done.  I am so glad I didn't. I'd have paid a couple hundred dollars for 60 invitations. Between ink, card stock, and envelopes, I paid less than $30. How's that for thrifty?! I guess I'm making up for the $4,000 I spent at Microcenter this week. Either way, there's one more thing checked off my list of things to do. Now I just have to stuff, address, stamp, and send. What do you think??


OK...I am going to watch a bit of the football game, although the 1 player from my fantasy team that plays tonight is injured. Just my luck!! Have a good night. Here are a few more photos I worked on today.

Our Princess, Bianca.
Guess who dressed him...

1 comment:

Tara said...

Great invitiation. And love the new header.