Tuesday, September 29, 2009

This post has no pictures. You're welcome.

Tonight has been quite an eventful one in the Butchino home. Congratulations are in order...Steven got his very first deer this evening! I am very proud of him. What I am not so fond of is the fact that it is hanging in my garage overnight before he can get the meat. We have pictures, but I am not putting them anywhere on the internet because they are absolutely disgusting! (Please refrain from leaving any of those "What did Bambi ever do to you?" comments. We're from the country...we shoot things, eat them, and use their body parts to decorate our homes.)

Carter and I had another fun night vegging on the couch. Minus the explosive poopy diaper, the night was perfect! I am amazed at how much I can accomplish without leaving the couch! Its a good thing, because Steven's excitement has pretty much shot any plans I had for tonight. Its fine though...this is a big achievement for him. So...way to go babe! What a wonderful provider you are!! I love you!

Also...happy 11 month birthday to my sweet boy! Its hard to believe that he will be a year old in just 1 short month. It went by so fast...but I loved every minute of it!


Stacemoe said...

How exciting!!! Way to go Steven!!! That really is awesome...
when I first saw the title of the post I thought you were doing that b/c you thought there were too many pic of Carter in the last few posts and I was going to say that we never get tired of seeing his sweet face!!!! :)
Have a great night...I have to go now and dry my tears b/c you killed bambi!!!! Just kidding! :)

Lora said...


I can so relate! My husband is an a-v-i-d hunter. He can't wait for October 1st here in NW Indiana.