Monday, September 21, 2009

Bring on the Rain

Today is just one of those days where you feel like there's a black cloud following you wherever you go. First of all, I accidentally deleted iPhoto from my new computer. I have the Restore CD at home...if I ever get home. We are still sitting here at my mother-in-law's because Steven left his hunting stuff in his mom's trunk. Now, we have to stay here until 5 o' clock. I was hoping to get home early enough to get our car unpacked and get Carter fed and in bed at a decent hour. In my opinion, 11 pm is not a decent hour. On top of the delay, it seems like Steven and I have been at each other's throats all day. Of course I think he's being an insensitive jerk...and he thinks I'm being childish and dramatic...among other things. I was so ready to take Carter and leave Steven in NY to find his own way home. I even Googled "is it illegal to have a rear-facing car seat in the front of your vehicle?" Sad that I even thought about it...even more sad, it is not illegal in New York as long as your air-bag is disabled!! For the record, I would never personally choose to do it. That's just how mad I was.

I never expected my marriage to be perfect. I just hate fighting...especially when we use words and say things that we do not mean. In the end, neither of us feel better about ourselves. Rarely does anything get solved when we fight. Its not until we are saying our apologies and making up that we can fix whatever it was that made us fight to begin with. Sometimes we are so exhausted from fighting, that we don't even try to talk it out...we just kiss, make up, and get on with it. Every once in awhile, its better that way...maybe our issue wasn't important enough to bring up again.

OK...I am done complaining! I love my husband very much and I am so thankful to God for putting him in my life. Right now, I think he's being a giant butt, but I wouldn't trade him for the world. I'm sure once we are on the road and have time to talk, we'll work it out as we always do. That's what marriage is all about!

1 comment:

s.e. said...

You are a better person than me. I don't think I've ever been able to say nice things about my husband while I am still angry with him.

I am always learning lessons from you.