Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A lot on my plate...

I must admit that I am feeling a little overwhelmed. Between being a stay-at-home mom, keeping my house in order, paying bills, making sure I keep up with readings and homework, planning 2 birthday parties (1 in Ohio, 1 in NY), preparing for our NY trip this weekend, the mountain of sorted laundry on my bedroom floor, making sure my fantasy football team is in good shape, trying to get the TV fixed (for 3 weeks now...RCA is the devil), and countless other things, I am surprised I can even see straight.

I try not to complain, because 2 years ago, I was desperate to have a family...I longed to be overwhelmed by the needs of a husband, home, and baby. Don't get me wrong, I love being a wife and mother...its the other things I could do without! For one thing, school is next to impossible. Tonight I had to read a 34 page chapter on programming strategies, write a 2-3 page paper on the 5 elements of programming, and then discuss what effect the Digital Must Carry will have on media. Really?? To be honest, I don't care...and none of those things will help me in my career of being a radio dj. The end result of me not giving a crap about these things is a paper that barely makes sense to me...and I wrote it! This particular class has me writing pieces that I am almost embarrassed of. Its not like me to half-ass any assignment, especially since I love to write. I dunno...I guess I'll just have to trudge on through. There's only 2 more months in this semester. Breathe, Candi.

Sometimes I am so thankful I have this blog to blow off steam. Although I don't get many comments, I am aware of all you lurkers out there! Your prayers are certainly worth just as much to me as any "atta girl" comments I receive.  I think it should be mandatory for every mother to have a blog...the therapy that posting here gives me is way better than any shrink...well, maybe other than Dr. Phil...love him! Speaking of Dr. Phil, the new season started today! Yesssss!! Lord, thank you for DVR. Amen. OK...I am off to switch the laundry, make dinner, load the dishwasher, then maybe sit down on the couch with my beautiful family and remember why all this is worth it.

Also, I am officially in the dreaded two week wait. Prayers needed!


Alicia :) said...

HAHA! Do you REALLY know how much I stalk your blog?! :)

Candi said...


Lora said...

Candi, I just recently started reading your blog. Can't remember where I got here from. But, you are amazing! You're super-woman! Don't agonize over classes you don't like - just get through them - it doesn't matter in the big picture!

Anonymous said...

I stalk your blog too Candi...LOL...I never forgot you from the good old days of BBC and I'm still here cheering you on!!! You are such a great writer!! I just love reading your blog! Keep up the great work honey!!...And good luck in the 2WW!!

Liz (from the old Babycenter board)

Anonymous said...

I worked in radio for over 10 years and would like to offer some assvice. You do not need a degree, or any kind of training to become a dj on air. The best best way to start is to become an intern with a show or to get a part time job at a station you like and then work your way in from there. I can offer any advice you may want on radio..Toodieweem@aol.com

Stacemoe said...

Love the new layout..too cute!!!
Praying for you always, but especially over the next 2 weeks...
Hope ya'll are having a great week.
Carter is just so sweet!!!