Monday, September 14, 2009

"Not Me" Monday


I always get such a kick out of reading these on other peoples' I thought I would try it for myself. Don't judge me! It was a long, stressful week!

  • I did not lose my child at my friends house after he crawled under the excersaucer when I wasn't looking. I am a very attentive parent and never take my eyes off my child.
  • I did not make Carter's birthday invitations by myself because I am too cheap to do it the easy way and call a printer...I simply did it because of my affinity for Photoshop and my new Canon printer.
  • I did not give Carter a tape measurer and a box of baby wipes to play with so I could get the dishes done. Those things are dirty and dangerous and only bad moms would let their children play with such things!
  • I am not allowing my 10 month old to Swiffer the hallway in his walker at this very moment so I can participate in "Not Me" Monday. That would be very neglectful and its just not my parenting style. 

1 comment:

Kristina said...

LOL! That's hilarious. I have a 2 year old son and a 4 month old daughter. I got Luke in the car quickly to put the groceries and sissy in the car. About half way down the street I look next to me and Luke is standing up next to my seat. "Ello, Mama!" How about that for great mothering!??? I forgot to buckle him in and it scared the poo outta me! I felt terrible!