Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Home, Sweet Home

We are home! Woo! We pulled in the driveway at 12:15 am. Just as I suspected, Mr man didn't want to go to bed peacefully upon arrival. So, he finally fell asleep around 1 am and slept until 10...thank God!! To be honest, Steven and I did not really solve any of our problems. We just kind of agreed to disagree...which is fine with me. In the end, we respect and love each other, so we're good.

Today has been a crazy one! After I woke up, I got Carter his breakfast, got him changed and cleaned up, called a realtor about possibly looking at a house in NY, emailed a woman that is selling Photography Backdrops 3 for $50 on CraigsList, called RCA (aka "the devil"), unpacked, threw in laundry, got Carter down for a nap, took a shower, ate lunch, got Carter his lunch, took him outside for a mini-photo shoot (hey...I needed a fun break!), washed the car seat, edited a few photos, and now Carter and I are hanging waiting for Steven to get home. Ugh! My head is spinning!!

Here are a few pics from our trip...

 Jammin' at a rest stop in NY.

 Carter and Grandma

Steven and I leaving the casino.
 Climbing up Baby's cage.

Carter's new toy. Big boy!!

And here are a few from our mini photo shoot today. I saw this hat at the Fall Festival this weekend and I just could not resist! Surprisingly, Carter keeps all his hats on. I didn't even have to torture him by making him wear something he didn't like...much like his sunglasses, LOL!


1 comment:

Stacemoe said...

Glad ya'll made it home safely!!! Carter gets cuter and cuter by the day!!!