Monday, March 30, 2009

1 whole year...

Carter and our other angel - 3/30/08

Carter was conceived exactly 1 year ago. On March 30, 2008, I had 17 eggs retrieved and 12 ICSIed. 3 days later, 2 of my beautiful embryos were given back to me. One of them went to heaven. I believe that my little angel knew that my body couldn't handle a multiple pregnancy. He loved his brother so much that he went to be with God so Carter could survive. I know it sounds dumb...but all of my embryos are my babies and I love them all. It is hard to think that 1 of them did not survive. I know that Carter has a special angel looking over him.


Tara said...

I know, I had some reflecting to do on Ruby's "special" birthday because there were other embryos also created that day that didn't make it. So I understand your feelings towards your other embryos.

Also - happy special birthday or creation day to Carter, and you.

s.e. said...

I have never looked at the lost embryos that way. Instead of feeling only the pain, it is sweet to believe they became guardian angels.

I am going to keep that with me. Thank you.

(Thanks for your recent comments your raw emotion is so genuine and may even be contagious. I may have cried more reading your congratulatory comment than when I found out myself!)

sara said...

What a beautiful way to look at this. It really is like having guardian angels watching over. I'm sure Carter's guardian angel helped protect him so that he could come as far as he has ((hugs))

Destination Baby said...

I love reading your blog. Your blog is such an inspiration to me. We were recently blessed by becoming pregnant with IVF #2. One embroyo attached and the other two that were transfered will be his/her guarduardian angels. I love that thought, Thank you!

HereWeGoAJen said...

Happy Creation Day to Carter and his angel sibling.

Lauren said...

I have a very similar pic and wonder which one became Ben and which one never made it. It was sad. After struggling w/ one newborn, I am a little relieved that God didnt give me the twins I was hoping and praying for....He knew better than me, huh? :)