Monday, November 3, 2008

Mommy's little piggy! (Updated)

Carter is turning into quite the little piggy! I called to check on him this morning and the nurse told me that his last 3 feedings were 12mL and he had them down in less than 5 minutes. She said the doctors would be in in a bit to raise his intake...probably to 16mL. He is such a doll. I couldn't ask for more.

I am pumping breast milk as much as I can. I am pretty sore, so I'm not doing it as often as I probably should be. I am getting good amounts though, so I'm happy. The NICU gave me these vials with name tags and we fill them up and freeze them. I am so thankful that I got my pump for my shower. The hospital pump literally felt like it was tearing my nipple off! Mine isn't quite as powerful, but it is much more comfortable. I'd rather pump for 20 minutes with mine than 10 minutes with theirs.

I am just waiting patiently for Steven to get home from work so we can head up to the hospital. We decided that he should work until Carter is home, then take time off. It sucks, but it will be much better in the long run because his paternity leave is not paid.

I will try to post pictures later...

UPDATE @ 8:16pm: Carter is taking 16mL wonderfully and will be bumped up to 20mL at midnight!!! What a little rockstar! Steven got me a new camera for an early anniversary gift so I don't have to lug the Big Zoom around anymore. Now I'm really gonna go all "proud mommy" on Carter!


Stacemoe said...

Can't wait for the pics...Glad Carter is doing so well...He will be home before you know it and I agree that Steven should work now and enjoy the time together as a family once Sweet Carter gets home....Praying Carter continues to do well.

Anonymous said...

Glad that Carter is doing good! He'll be a NICU Graduate before you know it!! My sister felt the same way about the pumps. Hope all is well & so happy your little boy is growing good!

Lisa said...

I love hearing updates on your little piggie!! That is GREAT news that he is eating so much. Hopefully he will be home with you soon.I can't wait to see pictures :)

HereWeGoAJen said...

Wow, Carter is doing great! Tell him to keep it up!

Natalie at Our Old Southern House said...

oh, he's PRECIOUS!!! he's so big and healthy already.

Lisa said...

OMG - He is such a cutie!! I love all of his hair and he looks like he is putting on weight. Thanks for sharing the pictures with us. He is just precious.

Morrisa said...

He is such a cutie and sounds like he is doing wonderful! He is a champ just like his Mommy! Hopefully it wont be long until he is home with you where he belongs!

Beth said...

You guys look great. Carter is freaking adorable!!!

CJ said...

Congratulations!!!!! I am so happy for you!!

Lisa said...

Candi - When you get a second you should check out MckMama's website at
Your little miracle baby and her miracle baby were both born on the same day. I thought that was pretty neat. Both babies are miracles in their own way. Hope you all are doing well today!!