Sunday, November 2, 2008

Making progress!

I am home. I was released Friday night. It feels bitter-sweet. I am certainly glad to be home, but my baby is still in the NICU. It is very hard to leave him every night to make the long drive home. I know he is in good hands, but that doesn't make it any easier.

Carter is doing great. He had his milk bumped up to 8mL from 4mL yesterday. I attempted to get him to latch on last night, but all he wanted to do was play with it...wonder where he gets that!! I will try again today, but at least I am pumping every few hours and he gets it from a bottle. I know how important breast milk is...especially for preemies. So, I pump at home, freeze it, and pop it in a little cooler for our daily trip to the NICU.

Carter was also removed from under the phototherapy lights! His biliruben levels went all the way down to 6.6...they have to be less than 8 to come out from under the lights. They are not 100% sure he is out for good, so we are relying on all your wonderful prayer! It has helped more than you will ever know. all our little guy has to do is steadily gain weight and he will be ready to come home! He will also have to maintain his temperature, but we are not really expecting much of an issue with that. I am so proud of everything he is doing and I am so ready to get him home where he belongs. Like I said, your prayers are the only thing that gets us from day to day, so please keep them coming. I will update you on Carter's new progress when I get home later!


Sue Z said...

Praying for you and little Carter. He seems like he is doing really well and is one tough little guy! He ... and you ... have been truly blessed

Heather said...


I am so glad that Carter is such a fighter. He is doing great...

I will continue to pray that he keeps going strong.

Lisa said...

I know that you really want little Carter to be home with you, but the "only" good thing about coming home before him is that you can prepare your place for him. Get all of those final touches done to his room, shop for whatever else you need and rest up. I know it is bittersweet, but he will be home before you know it and then you won't ever want him out of your site or at least that is how I am with Cameron. It is difficult to not have them with you especially when you tried so hard to get him here.

I am happy that he is doing so well and eating. That will be the main goal for gaining weight so that is always a great thing. Too funny about you trying to get him to latch on... that cracked me up!! That is what Cameron always did so I just always pumped and Shawn always fed Cameron. It was difficult, but it was the best thing for Cameron to have the breast milk.

Stay strong and I will await another update!! He is really a beautiful little boy!!

HereWeGoAJen said...

He's doing so well! I hope he gets to come home with you soon.

Stacemoe said...

Thanks for the update...I know you are so happy to be home, but so sad to leave Sweet Carter...I am so happy he is doing so well...praying he continues to thrive and for you while you travel back and forth to see him...Praying this is not for long and ya'll are home together soon...

Making Babies said...

Firstly, congrats on the birth of your son!!! :) I'm sure he will be home with you in no time at all. He is such a cutie!! Love the pics of him. You take care!!!

Anonymous said...


I'm sooo happy to hear that Carter is progressing well!!....What a trooper! My thought and prayers continue to be with your family...I hope he's able to go home soon!!


Beth said...

Your family is in my prayers!!! I am glad that Carter is reaching milestones and hopefully he'll get to come home really soon!!!