Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Overflow Baby.

I spent the day in the NICU with Carter today. When I first got there, as I got close to the isolette, I saw 4 phototherapy lights. I automatically spazzed out and the nurse goes "Carter is over there." He was moved last night to the spot they call the "overflow spot". It is the last stop before going home! His feedings were raised to 25mL and will go to 30mL at midnight tonight. He also decided that he no longer wanted an IV, so he pulled it out. So far, he's 3 for 3 with IVs. If they let an arm free, he will pull it out! They finally decided not to put another in because he doesn't need IV meds or fluids anymore. The isolette should be gone within the next couple of days. Hopefully tomorrow. It was at 29 degrees when I was there and it needs to be at 28. Then, if my sweet boy can keep a normal temperature, he gets a big boy bed!! They don't expect him to have any trouble with it.

I am spending the day there tomorrow and we are going to work on getting him to latch on to my breast. So far, he likes boobies, but he doesn't actually realize that food comes out! So...our goal for the day is to make him aware of this! Your continued prayer is very much appreciated. I can almost see him in his crib right now...if I ever put him down!!


Not in the Water said...

he's a boy...of course he likes boobies!!


Stacemoe said...

Love seeing the pic of sweet Carter on the blog!!! Praying he learns to latch on quickly and has as much success nursing as he has taking the bottle...I know you are so proud of him and how well he is doing...God is so good.

Sully said...


I'm so glad to hear that everything is progressing so nicely with Carter. And, what's more, the Browns announced that Brady Quinn will be their starting QB for the rest of the year - this is most definitely your week! :) Hope the little guy gets to come home ASAP.

Lisa said...

He is really making headway and that is excellent news!! I am so hoping that he will latch on soon. I know from personal experience that pumping and not being able to breastfeed is difficult and can be frustrating. Just don't give up!! Hoping that your little snuggle buddy gets to come home soon.

HereWeGoAJen said...

Hooray! I hope he gets to come home soon. He is doing so well.

Heather said...

Carter is doing great! Be proud of yourself that he is doing so great. Email me anytime!

Natalie at Our Old Southern House said...

that's great news! wishing you all the best and that he's home SOON!

sara said...

Lots of prayers to you and Carter sweetie!

Jamie said...

All great news! So happy for you guys!!!