Thursday, September 11, 2008

Down to double digits!!

Can you believe it?? 99 days until my due date! I have to thank God for getting me this far. He has truly blessed me and Steven.

I had an OB appt today. Carter's heartbeat was nice and strong...and we heard him hiccuping the whole time! Poor guy! I told the OB that I have been having a harder time getting big breaths and he said he knew we would run into this eventually. Because I cannot stand up, the baby has less room to grow down, so he is growing up toward my ribs. He said as long as I can relieve the shortness of breath by lifting my arms, to lengthen myself out, then I will be good. He wants me to tell him when I can't relieve it. I go back in 2 weeks for OB appt/glucose test/ultrasound. Then, 2 weeks after that, we meet with the anesthesiologist. I can't believe the 3rd trimester will be here in 2 weeks!!

I used my gift cards at and got 2 of the 4 items I ordered today! I got a Carter's diaper bag and a Carter's baby record book. I get a kick out of having my child named after a baby line!

NEVER FORGET...9/11/01


HereWeGoAJen said...

I can't breathe when I drive because of the way I sit.

Happy double digits!

Anonymous said...

Before you know it the baby will be here! Congratulations & I'm glad you enjoyed your shower!!

Stacemoe said...

Glad everything is going so well!!! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. The time will fly by!!!!

sara said...

Congrats on the good appointment! I'm glad you got to shop and get some of your stuff. I had to smile when you said that your son was named the same as the baby friend two weekends ago dropped off my diaper bag I registered for and it was a carter's messenger bag and I thought of you! I don't know many carters but I do love that name. Thanks for the good thoughts and prayers - I so appreciate them. I hope the breathing problem gets a little better handle some unique pregnancy factors like that like a champ that the rest of us don't even consider. That's pretty darn cool of you - you're such a trooper who doesn't complain (like I know I would) :-) ((hugs))