Friday, September 19, 2008

All done!

Carter's room is done!! We are still waiting on the glider rocker, which we will get when we go to NY for our shower. So...we have one bare wall where that belongs, but other than that, we are ready. We just went to Babies R Us and got the mobile, wall hangings, and a few odds and ends that I needed for the diaper bag. We also got him a homecoming outfit and a winter suit...which he will need shortly after he is born.

Everybody says they can't believe I am prepared so early. I really wasn't aware that I was...kinda thought 6 months pregnant was a good time to get all your ducks in a row. Maybe its because its my first baby. I know that he could come at any time...God forbid...but if he does, we have what we need. Now, we can sit and enjoy the rest of the pregnancy with no worries about not being prepared. I am very happy!

The glider and table will go in this corner.

We are picking up the wall hanging for above the changer tomorrow.

This is where our little slugger will have sweet dreams!


Anonymous said...

The room looks awesome!! It's definitely a great idea to be prepared & ready for your bouncing bundle of joy!! Don't you just love Babies R Us?! They have the cutest stuff!!

Not in the Water said...

Awesome :) But you should have gotten the Browns Mobile!!!

HereWeGoAJen said...

It looks great! I am very impressed.

Tara said...

You're way farther ahead of the game than I am. My crib is arriving today and that will be the first and only thing that I have. So much to do.

How nice for you to have it all done. Now you can relax and just wait for him to get here!

Beth said...

The room looks great. I wish I was prepared as you, we have so much longer to go.

Tina said...

Looks fantastic. You guys did a great job.

Tina said...

Thanks, I'm going to link your blog. I am so excited to follow your journey.

How do you know Hamm Crew?

Tina said...

Oh ya sorry, thanks i think my guys are kinda cute ..then again I'm somewhat biased.

I would love if you linked my blog too.