Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Does it ever end??

Well...its a no-go on the cage. Since we have so many beams in our basement, the cage just wouldn't fit. I didn't realize how big it was. So...onto plan B. We are going to put down a concrete slab by our garage and put it up out there. As far as a cage inside, we found an extra-large metal cage with a plastic bottom at Wal-Mart for $70. My mom is a manager, so she is going to pick it up for us with her 10% discount. Bianca will hate it, but we can't let her tear anything else up. Plus, when the baby comes, we need to be sure we can control her when we need to. So, we will have that later tonight.

On a lighter note, we have central air!! The repairmen came yesterday! They replaced the unit and copper piping. They normally haul it away for you, but we figured since copper is worth so much out here, we would get rid of it ourselves. It makes me feel a little better knowing that we're getting some money back...even though its not much! The important thing is that I am cool and not sweaty. I can finally relax and be comfortable. Thank God!!

I got my cord blood collection kit today. Lots of paperwork to fill out. They also gave us these cheesy LiveStrongish rubber bracelets to wear 4-6 weeks before my due date in case I go into labor early and the doctor on call needs to be reminded to take the cord blood. I have to wear one and Steven has to wear one. Aren't we cool? Anyway, I feel good that it is ready to go and I know that's one less thing to worry about before Carter gets here.


sara said...

Very cool about having the air fixed (no pun intended I swear!). Sorry that the cage didn't work out - hopefully the plan you talked about will work out great instead. We had the worst time with Neela our dog when we first got her and both were working. It took awhile to find a situation that worked. Our furchildren are like having children already a little, aren't they? Congrats on having your cord blood stuff come too :-)

HereWeGoAJen said...

Have you tried crate training before? My dog HATED her crate at first, but I kept at the crate training (and seriously, it took a while) and now she loves it so much that she takes naps in there without being told.

Beth said...

I am glad you have air!!! Will you give me the info on your cord bank place. I can't decide if it is something I want to do & would like to hear about it from somebody that has researched it.