Saturday, August 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Bailey!

My first born is 9 years old today! In honor of his birthday, I thought I would write a few things about my Bailey Bear...

Nobody quite understands our relationship. People sometimes look at me as I share my dinner or dress him up to go out and think "You freak. He's a dog." What they don't know is that he isn't just a dog to me...he is the reason I am alive.

When I was in my accident in May of 1999, I pretty much deemed my life to be over. I was paralyzed, in a wheelchair, and dependent on everybody around me for everything. I couldn't feed myself, dress myself, brush my own teeth...all the things people take for granted every day. I needed everyone, and nobody needed me. I was to the point where I was plotting my own suicide. I knew that I would not have many options since I could barely move, but I was determined to die. I just couldn't take the massive changes that were happening in my life and thought the world was better off without me. It was just a matter of time before I could figure out how I would do it.

The day before Halloween that year, my mom came into school to pick me up. Zipped in her jacket was a little white ball of fluff. Out popped the cutest face I had ever seen. I knew right then that this little guy needed me. He was so small. Being that he was the runt, he needed to eat specific things at specific times, and I was the one that had to feed him. Without me, he could've died. So, my life's purpose I was someone's "mommy". From then on, we were inseparable. He came to school with me, to the store, and even to physical therapy!

Bailey and I have a bond that not many humans/dogs have. We saved each other. So, happy birthday little angel. Mommy loves you!


sara said...

Oh girl, I can't stop crying enough to write this comment. You have such an amazing spirit, you are such an inspiration to me. I am so lucky to have come across you and to have this further glimpse into your amazing life. Bailey will always have a special place in your heart - and I firmly believe that even a dog is capable of knowing what a special bond you two share. Things come into our lives for a reason - whether they be people or an amazing dog...they are there for a reason. I'm so happy Bailey was yours. ((Hugs))

Not in the Water said...

You are evil...You made me cry.

That is such a wonderful story!! I am happy Bailey saved you :)

I lost my family dog 3 years ago and I still miss her terribly. Now DH's and my dog is my baby...She's nine sometime this month too!! (She was found by the Animal Patrol in an abandoned house, they guessed she was about 8 weeks in Oct.)

I just love animals!!!


HereWeGoAJen said...

Happy birthday, Bailey! He sounds like the perfect dog!

Morrisa said...

Happy birthday Bailey! This is a beautiful post that made me cry. You are an amazing woman for sure!