Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Nesting Begins!!

I am officially nesting! Yesterday, I cleared all the stuff out of Carter's room (it was a guest bedroom) and found new places for it. I moved the bassinet into our room and put it next to the bed. I love seeing it there! We took all the nails out of the wall and are patching the holes up tonight...after Big Brother. Goooooo Memphis! Anyway, last night Steven took the bedroom furniture down to the basement so we can paint.

Today, I cleaned our bedroom and rearranged the drawers in the kitchen. I also moved around some decorations and other random stuff. I just feel like I can't stop once I start!! Tomorrow, I hope to clean the master bathroom and do a little bit more in Carter's room.

Carter has been kicking like a crazy man the last 2 days! At around 9pm, he starts up and it is just a blast! I even had a little caffeine tonight...just to rev him up. I couldn't help myself!! I just love to put my hand on my belly and feel him kick back! Only 2 more days until I hear that sweet little heartbeat!!

I will be sure to post pictures of the progress on Carter's room. Its happening slowly...but surely!


HereWeGoAJen said...

It sounds like you were busy! Good job, I got nothing done today.

s.e. said...

WOW! Can you come to my house next? I am impressed!

I loved your description of your sweet baby kicks. Enjoy each one of them! Can't wait to see the nursery pictures.

Not in the Water said...

If you're nesting...then I am anti nesting. I have 2 weeks til school starts and despite my cleaning/laundry the past 2 weeks since summer school ended...I am all about lying on the couch for once.

So feel free to come on over and clean here. It's not too bad just the DH throws his junk all over.

Lauren said...

Please come nest at my house! It is wednesday and all the baby shower gifts we brought home on sunday are still in their bags sitting in the kitchen!I have to get all the misc crap out of the nursery-to-be except the heavy office furniture by labor day weekend bc friends are coming up to help us move the heavy stuff! I may rope my BFF into painting that day too! What color are you painting?

Tina said...

I love the Nesting part. It is great to get some chores done LOL. You were MAJOR nesting. TOOOOOOO cute!