Monday, November 30, 2009

Say Cheese!

I GOT IT! Yessss!

I went to Dodd Camera again today and left with actual merchandise!! Can you believe it?! LOL, it took a whole 5 minutes to get the approval from the bank. They apologized, but that doesn't change the fact that I will no longer be doing business with them. The last I will set foot in there is when I go pick up the battery grip and light meter that were not in stock today. So, all together I got:
What a production it was! All I need now is a backdrop stand and umbrellas and my studio will be complete. For now, I will just use masking tape to hold up my backdrops...until Christmas, I hope! Hint, hint Steven. I know you read my blog!

Carter woke up sick this morning. Its still the same cold he has had, but today it has been way worse than before. I finally caved and called the doctor. He has an appointment tomorrow morning at 9:30. I am hoping that they can give him an antibiotic so he can kick this thing once and for all. He's had it for close to a month, but his cough has been dry, his snot has been clear, and he hasn't had a fever. I was trying to let it run its course, but now I just feel like I'm torturing him. So tomorrow, it ends!

No matter how sick he is,
he always smiles for the camera!

Well, I am going to go fiddle with my new stuff!! I am so excited to get our Christmas cards finished, but I may have to wait until Mr. Carter is feeling better. For now, the Mommarazzi is going to be chasing after 2 very famous canines!

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