Friday, November 20, 2009

Christmas...on a budget? Aw Man!

This Christmas is proving to be a tough one. Steven has been unemployed for almost 2 months now and we are on a very limited income. Of course, bills and baby necessities come first, and I have been doing my best to get Carter a few Christmas gifts here and there. Being the shopaholic that I am, I wish I could just go into BRU and do some serious damage. Instead, I have been relying on sales and coupons. I am determined to get the most for my money so Carter can still have a great Christmas.

First, I got him this because I think every little boy needs one. I also got him a few of the these as well. When I went to JC Penny last week, I grabbed him an outfit for $ is something he can wear to church, so that is nice. This week, I went to Toys R Us with a $5 off coupon and $5 in "R Us Dollars". I got him this, this, and these for about $30. When I get paid next, I am going back to get him this and this. Hopefully, I can line up a few Christmas Card photo shoots when my new equipment gets here, that way I can throw in a few more things along with some more clothes.

Although I am all about the shopping right now, I have not by any means lost the real meaning of Christmas. I know that we are blessed to have what we have...and most importantly, I am so thankful for a happy, healthy baby and a husband that loves me more than life itself. No matter what the circumstances, we will make this Christmas the best ones we've ever had!


Sue Z said...

You've made some great toy choices! Carter is going to have so much fun!

Erin said...

I think you have a lot for him !! He is still young, rememeber that. Chad and I are on a limited budget as well and with how much grandparents and aunts and uncles get her we usually do 2 things!! I am also doing a lot of snapfish ordering with calendars and things like that. its hard to find things for great deals!