Thursday, November 5, 2009

12 Month Well Visit

Steven and I took Carter to the pediatrician today. He weighs 18 pounds even and is 30 inches long. She said his low weight is not a big deal, as he has always been on the small side. He eats well and is very active, so he is good. She also said that his not sleeping through the night is purely behavioral at this point and that we need to stop going in his room at night when he cries...and no more nightly bottles! I am not looking forward to this!!

We also discussed the pros and cons of the flu vaccine. Steven and I have been debating it for awhile. He was against it and I was on the fence. After talking with the doctor, we talked about it alone and he said "You're his're in charge of well-being. I'm his dad...I'm in charge of making him tough." So, I made the decision to go ahead with the vaccination. I know it isn't for everyone and that it is a big decision, but I feel that it was best for Carter.

After we got home, Steven put Carter in the playroom. Normally, we will stand him up and he'll kinda sit down right away. Today, he stood up all by himself for about 10 seconds!!! He even started to fall and re-adjusted to balance himself!! I am a proud mama!! We are also up to 6 teeth now. He got 2 of them a few days ago. What's weird is that he has 4 top teeth and only 2 bottom ones. He doesn't play by the rules, and that's why we love him!



Mike and Dee said...

8 or 18 pounds?

Candi said...

LOL...18 POUNDS! Sorry Dee!!

kjgohogs said...

Precious! He is so darling. About the car seat blankets - I am actually making some for friends, so if you would like for me to make one for you I will!! I'm not trying to make a fortune off of this, so I am only charging $20 - What do you think? you can email me at

Stacemoe said...

He is cuter and cuter by the day!!! Precious!! He will be walking before you know it! It all goes by so quickly..I know you are cherishing every minute!