Friday, November 20, 2009

New Moon Premiere

Steven and I had a blast at the New Moon premiere last night. We put Carter down around 8:30, and my mom stayed with him while we were gone. We left the house at 11:00, went to Dunkin' Donuts for was late...then headed to the theatre. When we got there, we had to wait in line, even though we had already purchased tickets. There were hundreds of teenagers talking all sorts of "Edward vs. Jacob" drama...then there was me, 27 years old, wearing my "Forks High School" T-shirt. I'm a dork.

The movie was amazing! The issue with the 1st Twilight movie was that it didn't live up to the book. It was almost disappointing to people. In my opinion, New Moon the book was very boring. I actually kept having to re-start it because I couldn't even remember what I had previously read. I finally broke down and downloaded the audiobook. That made it slightly easier to get through. The movie was wayyyyyyy better than the book! What a relief!

What did Steven think? His first words when we walked out of the theatre..."Eclipse comes out June 30th...I'm already counting down." And people call me the dork!!

I love my husband.


1 comment:

Erin said...

I went last night as well! It was amazing, but not perfect. So much eye candy. My husband asked if we could go see it Next weekend. I went with my best friend, I am excited he wants to go :)