Monday, October 5, 2009

Everything will be OK

Today was a very productive day. Steven applied for unemployment, which I am sure will be a fight. His company is going under, hence the firing frenzy they have been on. They are going to do everything they can to not have to pay any former employees...they got rid of these people because they couldn't afford them. Anyway, I went to Job and Family Services and got everything straightened out with them. I have to go back tomorrow to meet with my Case Worker. Then, I headed over to the dreaded SSA (Social Security Administration). I hate that place. I had about 6 months worth of pay stubs that I was behind on handing in, so I brought them up. Sorry, but I don't have 2 hours every 2 weeks to wait in their waiting room with a screaming baby. I also let them know about Steven losing his job so they could adjust my SSI accordingly. Apparently, they never added Carter to my SSI in the first place!! Can you believe that? Once again, I took all the right steps to be sure they had everything they needed and they still screwed me. How convenient! So, its possible that they will owe me back pay from the last year, if we qualified.

I want to explain why I can buy all these extravagant things and why I own my home and drive a Cadillac, but still need public assistance. It seems from the outside that maybe Steven and I are taking advantage...but we aren't. I was in a car accident in 1999 and got a settlement. My lawyer insisted that I put the money in what is called a "Supplemental Needs Trust". The way it works is that my money is not freely available to me at all. I have no checkbook, ATM card, or monthly allowance. Instead, that money is only to be used for medical and educational expenses and other things not covered by SSI or rent, utilities, food, or things of that nature can be paid out by my trust. It is a very long process when I request money. For example, I just bought a new laptop because I do all my college courses online. I had to go to MicroCenter and have them print out a quote with the exact amount of everything I needed. Then I had to send the quote to the bank, along with a written request from me saying why I needed the computer. After the bank received my request and quote, a trust committee met to discuss whether or not I was entitled to a new computer.  Since it was an educational need, my request was approved. A week later, I received a check from the bank made out to MicroCenter. Then, I drove back to MicroCenter with the check and purchased the computer. That is how it goes every time I request something from my trust fund. And if the committee feels as though my request doesn't fall within the regulations, they can deny it.

Needless to say, we will be needing to use some forms of public assistance while Steven is looking for a new job. Thankfully, we do not need to go as far as applying for welfare, since my disability qualifies me for SSI. The main things I worry about is food and medical coverage, and that is what I will be receiving from DJFS...until our financial situation is straightened out. I hate taking it, because I know so many people struggle much more than we are. I still feel so blessed to have what I have. I own my home and SUV, I have nice things, Carter is fully taken care of, and we are happy and healthy. I just pray that work comes quick for Steven, so each day isn't unknown. He is such a great husband, dad, and provider...I know it kills him not to be able to financially take care of his family right now. I hope he realizes that being here to help me with Carter every day is such a huge help! I can focus on school and my own well-being a bit more. Everything will be just fine!

Today, my friend Mandy brought us one of those foam puzzle floor mats for the new playroom! That saved us about $30 or so, and I am super thankful. She also brought Carter a Leap Frog stand-up table that she happened to have 2 of. That is what I was going to get him for his birthday, so that saved us another $45!! Thanks again Aunt Dee Dee!!

Speaking of Aunt Dee Dee, she asked me back in February if she could buy Carter his 1st Bible for his dedication. We have been searching for the perfect story Bible since then. I was reading Jenna's Blog last week and she recommended this one. I told Mandy and she ordered it right away off of! It arrived today and I just have to say that it is adorable! I highly recommend it if you are looking for accurate stories that will keep kids' attention. I can't wait to read it to Carter!

Steven left to go hunting around 2:30 this afternoon, so I was planning on snuggling up on the couch with Carterman until he got back...usually around 9ish. Well, my mom came home, packed her bag, packed Carter's bag, grabbed the car seat, gathered up Brobee and some other toys and said "OK Mommy...we'll see you in the morning! Hope you have a nice relaxing night alone!" Her and Carter are going to be spending the night at my aunt's house. I miss him so much already, but I'm going to get some homework done and catch up on some DVR before Dancing With the Stars comes on. Maybe I'll even take a nap!!

OK...I'm off to get some stuff done! I won't know what to do with no interruptions or screaming hungry babies needing my attention!! Have a good night!


Pajama Mama said...

Hi Candi, I don't think you need to explain yourself. Everyone has situations where they need a little help and from the outside, it might not seem so. I totally get it!

Hey, enjoy your quiet time tonight. Hope you get a little studying done, what with all the tv watching! Just kidding! :)

Stacemoe said...

I agree with the above don't owe anyone an explanation of your life.
I know what you mean about having the baby gone...I am always wanting a break and then when you get one it is like you don't know what to do with yourself!!! Plus you miss them like crazy!! Enjoy your break...watching DWTS right now!!! Have a great night!

Lora said...

Love your blog - admire your strength! Now, unemployment claims - there are guidelines and rules. If he was laid off due to lack of work, they must pay his unemployment. If he was terminated, it must be for "just cause." Look up the definitions of just cause termination in your state. They have to prove he violated some known rule that they enforce with everyone, received prior warnings, etc. etc. If he really feels it was unjust, it might be worth getting a lawyer to represent him at the hearing. Good luck! PS Happy birthday to Carter - he's adorable!!

s.e. said...

I too was frustrated that you felt you needed to explain. While I find comfort that you have your house and car, the stress of day to day living without the flow of income is stressful. Never feel you must justify.

It sounds like you have stayed on top of things, that you have great support close by and that truly everything will be o.k.