Thursday, October 1, 2009

Round 2 *UPDATED*

Well, Mother Nature is a mean, spiteful "B"...and tomorrow we begin round 2 of Clomid. I mean, I don't expect things to go perfectly all the time because I know God's plan isn't always the "easy way". Still, I can find the silver lining here, since I have never...and I mean never in history, ever had 2 periods, 2 months in a row. To me, that's a miracle in itself, and proof that everything is falling into place. God has always provided...this is no different. Your prayers are appreciated and we could not get by without them, so please keep them coming!

Today, I am in charge of keeping our deer meat on ice...until tomorrow when we pack it in freezer paper and stack it in our freezer. It sounds easy, but remembering to switch out the ice has been so taxing, that I am still in my pajamas. How did Davey Crockett's wife ever have time to cook, clean, feed the kids, and update her blog??

UPDATE: What do you think of the new layout? I made it myself!!


Kelly said...

I was still in my PJ's till about 5 minutes ago too! Good luck with round #2!

Tara said...

I am pretty sure that Davey Crocket's wife had a nanny and a housekeeper.

Tina said...

I will be praying that round #2 is the round that brings you another special blessing. You will be in my prayers daily.

Oh ya good luck with that deer meat....ugh....sorry not a hunting family over here kinda makes me want to hurl. You are a stronger woman then me!

s.e. said...

Candi, negatives will always suck and I am sorry. I think we all secretly wish that we will be one of the lucky ones and be magically cured after surviving infertility once. I am hoping it will still be quick and as natural as possible for you.

And I am very impressed with your blog design. I thought you paid for a makeover!

Hang in there.

Stacemoe said...

Love the new Blog layout...but who is that BIG BOY in the pics at the top????? :)
Praying for Baby #2...I know it is hard not to get discouraged, but as you mentioned, God is in control and has a plan. Praying for peace and patience and you wait. Hope ya'll have a great weekend.

Melissa said...

Love the new layout :-) You did a great job!

Making Babies said...

LOVE the new layout!

And good luck with Round 2
