Saturday, October 24, 2009

Party #2...success!!

We had Carter's Ohio birthday party today. It was a lot of fun. I feel very blessed to have such great family and friends to spend our baby's 1st birthday with. He got a lot of great gifts, some of which were duplicates. Tomorrow after church, we are going to return them and let him pick out something else. I love taking him shopping...he gets so excited when he finds things he likes!

Mommy and Daddy also got a present today...our new TV was delivered! Our big screen has been broken since August, so yesterday I vowed that I would not play Carter's slideshow on our bedroom TV. Its tiny and the color is awful! So, we went and picked out a new TV last night and it was delivered today. I know we have a hard few months ahead of us until Steven finds a job, but I am reminded often by my mother-in-law that the Lord will be here soon to bring us home, so we might as well enjoy our time on Earth! That is how I have been dealing with this struggle. As long as the bills are paid and Carter has everything he needs, I refuse to worry about money. I am not going to let this ruin our lives and I will keep reminding myself that it is temporary and that everything will be just fine. The Lord promises to never give us more than we can bring it on, Big Guy!! We're rich in love and faith, and that is all that matters!!

Well, I am off to get Carter to bed. He's had a very long day and we will be up early for church. I will post party photos when I get time to upload and edit. Hopefully tomorrow. Have a great weekend!


Erin said...

Cant wait to see photos of the party! I bet you are excited to have a nice new TV!

Stacemoe said...

Congrats on the new TV!!!! Can't wait for the party pics. Praying for the job have a great attitude!!! Hang in there!