Friday, October 2, 2009

Payday: A Love Story

Today is payday. I know it happens every 2 weeks, but for some reason, it feels like I have been running out of household necessities one by one for the past month. I get a very small amount from Social Security each month, but since October has 3 paychecks for Steven, I was not paid. I love how the government takes people who are truly disabled and are trying the best they can and say " don't get any. This money is for that crack addicted hooker over there. You see her? She's right behind all those kids with no shoes on and dirt all over their faces." I do not normally judge people...but I can't understand why things like this happen. And it isn't even about me...because I am very blessed financially. I have what I need...although it would be nice to have a little money to call my own. What bugs me most is that there are people out there that are disabled and unable to live on their own because the government thinks $600 is enough for a single adult to live on for 1 month. And God forbid you get married! Then they force you to bring in your spouse's pay stubs every 2 weeks to make sure they don't overpay you. Anything to strip you of any feelings of independence you had left! Oh yeah, and children...I guess you shouldn't have them if you aren't willing to take on a second job...unless, of course, you are a crack addicted hooker. How come the guidance counselor in high school neglected to tell me this? I am so sorry about this rant...its been brewing for awhile!!

Anyway...back to payday and my household necessities. I am off to BJ's when Steven gets home to buy diapers, wipes, paper towel, baby food, dog food, formula, juice boxes, ketchup, and Windex. See...a little bit of everything!! After that, we are going to Gander Mountain so Steven can get some warmer hunting clothes. He has been a trooper using his old turkey hunting duds that don't fit well. He deserves it! I am just sad that he can't get everything he wants. In due time, I guess...right? After GM, we will go pick up some food and my Clomid...then if I can talk my loving husband into it, we will go to the mall to get Carter a new winter hat and a couple warm shirts at Children's fave! Steven isn't a huge fan of the mall, LOL! Opposites attract!!

OK. I am off to clean the kitchen and get my little booger down for a nap. He's whiney and restless, or as I like to define it, "overtired". Have a great weekend!

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