Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Carter's World

The playroom is finally finished! Floors are clean, dining room table is gone, outlets are covered, wires are hidden, and toys are in! We put the floor mat together and cleaned Carter's new stand-up table and they are like new!! It feels good to have things accomplished and that Carter has a safe place to play. Having Steven home is a huge help...he put in some serious work. Here are a few pictures of the final product.

He seems to be enjoying himself!

Steven is hunting...again. Hopefully, this is the last night this week. I need a night with my family. Right now, Carter is asleep on my lap with a bottle of apple juice hanging out of his mouth. He had a really hard "hurty poop" earlier, which ended up being 2 different diapers. He couldn't get it all out at once. I thought juice would help...I hope it does.

OK...he's asleep, so maybe I can get in a little nap before Steven gets home. Good night and sweet dreams!


Stacemoe said...

Yeah!!! It looks great and look at your big boy standing up!!!! Praying for ya'll!!!!

Trish said...

The room looks absolutely wonderful. Carter is a lucky little man to get his own room :) My girls have a playroom in our house too, and I love it! It is so nice to be able to have one place to throw all the toys, and I can close the door if unexpected company arrives.

I am praying that Steven is able to get a job very soon!

Pajama Mama said...

Looks great Candi! Good job.

Carter is just so adorable!! What a sweetie.