Friday, February 20, 2009

Giveaway...My Faves!

This is a really cool contest from Barking Mad. I am supposed to pick my most favorite posts and link them here. I could win a $250 Target gift card...which, let's face it, all new mothers would kill for! Plus, it seems like fun...

1. More Worried Than Relieved: This is where I posted my first positive pregnancy test ever!! I was certainly being cautious about getting too excited, but I was finally pregnant and I had never felt that kind of happiness!

2. How Awesome Is This??: I was so fortunate to capture this on video. Truly one of my favorite pregnant moments.

3. 100th Post...What I Have Learned: Life had changed from post #1 to post #100...and I wanted to thank everyone of my blogfamily members for being by my side the entire time.

4. Welcome Carter John!!: The day my life changed forever. Photos of my beautiful boy along with what I remembered of my birth story.

5. A Day In The Life...: I wanted to share my daily life as a disabled mother. I truly felt that I needed to put this out there for all my readers and any disabled women who didn't believe in themselves. To me, motherhood is so much more than the "mommy can'ts".


s.e. said...

As I read through your list, I realized I somehow missed your A day in the life post.

I am even more mesmorized by you now. Carter will someday soon grow to learn what an amazing Mommy you are. I cannot imagine the things you are teaching him just by living a day in the life. I am in awe.

sara said...

I especially like these posts as well. I always love checking in with you to see what is going on with you and Carter. It feels like I'm calling a long distance friend to catch up, LOL!