Sunday, February 8, 2009

Easy come, easy go.

We got our tax refund on Friday. It is just about gone. We went car shopping 1st thing Saturday morning and bought an 02 Nissan Sentra Spec-V. We spent more on it than I wanted to, but Steven has not had a car of his own since 2003ish. He has been using my car. Having 1 car between 2 people is nearly impossible, yet we have been doing it since I got the Escalade in 2005. Now that we have Carter, we need our own cars. He deserves it anyway. He is an amazing provider and should feel proud of that...what better to be proud of than a hot sports car! We pick it up tomorrow.

After the car dealer, we went to Gabriel Brothers because I got a hot tip earlier in the day that they had Juicy Couture clothes for cheap. By the time we got there, the selection had dwindled and the only sizes left would be tight on Carter. Luckily I found 1 velour top. I looked it up and it retails for $195...I paid $24. Not bad!

On to BRU. I know what you are thinking..."oh there goes the rest of her money." Well, if we spent more that 15 minutes in there, you'd be exactly right. We had to pick up Carter so my mom could go to work, so it was in-and-out. We got him his jumperoo and a second carseat base for the new car. Steven was all "He's not going to be able to use this jumperoo yet. Why are we getting it??" I kept trying to tell him that he can totally jump. Lo and behold, we put him and it and he loved it! I know my crazy baby!

Today we tried a new church. It was actually very cool. Totally modern and casual. Its exactly what we are looking for. I want to raise Carter in a church where he can feel that the people are his family. That is what we left in NY and what we have been looking for since we moved here in 2006. I have been listening to the podcast from our church in NY instead of going to church on Sundays because we just haven't fit in anywhere we've been in OH. The vibe I got today was great. People were just cool. One guy came up to me, gave me a little punch on the shoulder and said "how you doin' today babe?" It was just nice to feel like I already knew everyone. I look forward to going back.

I'm totally excited for mail this week! I ordered a "Teething Bling" necklace from Carter has been putting random things in his mouth lately and drooling everywhere, so I think teething is in our near future. I saw one of the necklaces on Tori Spelling and said I wanted one. One day, I will have everything celebs have...and paparazzi will camp out in my back yard. Anyway...I can't wait to get it and review it for you guys. Seems like a great we'll give it a try!

OK, my little man is fussing in the Pack n Play. I'm sure he's pretty hungry. Hope everyone had a great Sunday. If you're in the mood for a great movie, I recommend "Fireproof" with Kirk Cameron. In my opinion, it should be manditory for married couples!


Stacemoe said...

Congratulations on your new ride and being called "Babe" in church!!!! :) It is so nice to be at a church where you are totally relaxed and comfortable and everyone is so warm and welcoming.
Hope ya'll have a great week!

Tina said...

saaaaweeeeeeeet RIDE! Sounds like you had a great weekend......BABE! I think I might be at the wrong Church LOL.

WTG Carter in your new JUMPEROO!!!!

sara said...

Congrats on a shopping trip well done! It sounds like such a fun weekend and Carter is going to be one styling baby! My friend loves those necklaces and swears by them :-)

sara said...

Your church sounds awesome! Did I just use the word awesome again..I'm such a nerd :-)