Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Another Dr visit...

Carter went to the pedi today. Last night, we noticed that his belly button looked funny...it was sticking out. It went away and then came back again this morning. I called the office and they told me to bring him in.

Due to the fact that he has been straining with all the gas he's had and that he doesn't poop very regularly, he has an umbilical hernia. It is common in preemies because their abdominal muscles do not develop the same way as a full term baby. Basically, as the doctor put it, its his "guts" pushing through into his belly button. Yum! Anyway, in most cases it clears itself up by age 2 and will not need surgery. Most importantly, it does not hurt him at all.

On a lighter note, my big boy weighs 8 pounds, 1 ounce! We must be doing something right!! Please pray that he keeps gaining and that his hernia clears up quickly. Prayer always helps!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

WOW - 8 lbs!! your little boy is growing into a big and healthy boy. Must be all that lovin you are giving him (lol). Keeping him in my prayers.