Monday, December 28, 2009

Crazy Christmas!

Sorry I wasn't able to post pictures sooner...what a crazy weekend! We woke up at home on Christmas morning with Nana, and Santa was very good to all of us. Carter got all sorts of great well as some boring clothes and stuff. Mommy and Daddy also got some pretty good loot! Nana bought us a Wii with an extra controller and game! We were totally not expecting it. You can imagine our excitement...especially since we told everyone that we would rather they spend their money on Carter instead of us. We had a great morning...


Our most special gift came from our little man. Aunt Dee Dee had taken Carter for the day a couple weeks ago and said it was a "super secret date". They came home and placed a big, flat, wrapped gift under the tree with a tag that said "To: Mommy & Daddy. Love: Carter". We opened it on Christmas morning and this was inside...

It is just too cute for words! We love it. I am going to buy a frame for it this week and it is going on the wall right above the TV!

After Christmas dinner, we packed up the car and drove 6 hours to my mother-in-law's for the weekend. We got in late Friday night, so Saturday morning was Christmas all over again! As always, she spoiled us all! Next stop was my brother-in-law's, where Steven's dad and step-mom had brought all of our gifts to open there. Here is a pic of all the Butchino girls!

We ordered pizza and hung out...until I got you can see from the picture above. I looked and felt like death warmed over. I had the worst flu symptoms ever and immediately started panicking. Steven brought me back to his mom's, helped me change my clothes, and forced Pedialyte down my throat in an attempt to rehydrate me. I was in bad shape! I had chills, sweats, vomitting...the whole nine yards. I got a good night's sleep and woke up feeling pretty good. Not quite good enough to do my hair and make-up before heading to Papa & Grammy Viv's house...or to put on actual shoes. Steven piggy backed me, my slippers, and my make-up bag to the car, got Carter bundled up and in the car seat, and on we went.

I was very excited to go to Papa & Grammy Viv's because I knew they had gotten Carter a very nice (and much needed) toy box. Again, Steven and I were spoiled!! And I finally got a Snuggie!! I have wanted one since they came out...does my stepmom know me or what?! We had a great time...especially since it was the first time all year that me, my step-brother, and my step-sister were all together. My step-mom requested a photo of all her kids, so I threw on some make-up for the occasion...

We got home safely today...after hitting a couple of pretty bad snow storms. We brought my brother-in-law with us to visit for the week. When we got home, we immediately put away all of the Christmas presents, washed clothes, and cleaned the playroom. We put all of Carter's toys in his beautiful new toy box and left him to play while we fixed our dinner plates. About 2 minutes later, I went back to check on him and this is what I saw. Thankfully, I had my phone handy. We wouldn't want to miss a moment like this...

Ahh...Carter. Honestly, he is just a barrel of laughs!! I love him too much for words, so I won't even try!

Now that we are wound down, I am going to grab my Snuggie out of the dryer (still warm!), put a heat pack on my back, sit on the couch with Bailey and Bianca, and watch the boys play Xbox...that Wii really did a number on me! I guess its time to get back in shape!!

What a crazy Christmas...I wouldn't have it any other way! Hope you all enjoyed the holiday as much as we did!

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