Sunday, February 15, 2009

Jumping up an appetite.

What a little heartbreaker we have on our hands!

"Hmm...this looks like it goes in my mouth!"

Carter is enjoying his new jumperoo. Although he is a bit short and has to stand on phonebooks, he just jumps away and is fascenated by all the colorful toys surrounding him. He enjoys spinning the little spinny-disc and making the lights and music come on when he jumps. I am amazed by him every time he is in it!

We are also officially giving him baby food every day! He loves it!! His favorites are peaches and pears. We give him about 1/3 of a jar at a time, along with a couple ounces of formula. At night, he gets baby food plus formula with cereal...he sleeps very well these days!

First time in his high chair.

This is what happens when the jar is empty.

And to think they used to refer to him as a "lazy eater"!

After lunch, he asked if he could ride the dog...
Who are we to say no??

We aren't the only ones who can't help but
kiss those adorable little lips!

UPDATE: (Answer to comment by JB) When we introduced solid food, we started with bananas...we use Beech-nut (Stage 1). We gave him a few bites before his bottle at bedtime for about a week. Then we moved it to 2 feedings per day. Now, we feed him the baby food 3 times per day with 2 ounces of formula. We just let him eat until he starts acting like he is full (spits food out, doesn't open his mouth, etc.) At first, he was confused about how to eat it, but got the hang of it after a few feedings. My big advice to you would be to always use a bib!!


Stacemoe said...

I can't get over how big Carter is!! He is so cute!!! I love the pics with the dog!!!
Have a great week!!!

s.e. said...

Love the photos, especially the first. It has to be one of the most adorable pictures I have ever seen.

A heartbreaker for sure!

Unknown said...

I love the photos of him and the doggie. Those are too precious! How did the solid food go at first? How did you introduce it and how much? I'm all ears?

HereWeGoAJen said...

Our dog refuses to be ridden.

We call Elizabeth's bouncer her office because she always is so serious about the "work" she has to do whenever we put her in it.