Friday, June 11, 2010

Summer Fun...Butchino Style!

We are home from NY and trying to get into the summer spirit! The weather has been awesome and we have been taking full advantage. I thought last summer with Carter was fun...but this summer has been awesome!! He is getting so big and is such a blast to play with. My Toys R Us habit has gotten a bit crazy, just because there is so much fun to be had outside. 

Yesterday, we went to Toys R Us to buy a birthday present for Carter's friend Delaney. We ended up letting Carter choose between a giant dinosaur and a bubble mower. We kind of decided for him since we wanted something he could use outside. We got him the bubble mower. While we were there, we looked at Power Wheels to see if they had anything that Carter could operate by himself. After seeing prices, I decided we should wait until he's older. We went back tonight to look at car seats for Brooklyn and ended up buying Carter a Power Wheels 4-Wheeler. Yes, I know...I have issues. After we got it home, I was so glad we decided to buy it for him! He loves it and totally knew exactly what to do! He was like an old pro, although turning isn't his strong point. But he's only 19 months old...he will learn. 

Here are some pictures of our summer fun so far...

And here's a video of the action...

We have a very busy weekend ahead of us. Tomorrow I am shooting a wedding reception and Carter will be having a fun-filled evening with my aunt. Then, Sunday we have a birthday party to go to. Monday, we have a doctor's appointment and will hopefully be able to see our little one then! We are thinking of going to the zoo on Tuesday or Thursday, so that will be lots of fun!!

I hope you all have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Erin said...

You do have a busy week. How fun to shoot a wedding reception. Hope photography is going well.

He looks like he is having a lot of fun. I am with you on spoiling our children. Alex has so many outdoor toys but we spent 3 or more outside every day. She plays with our neighrs everynight. All 3 girls have power wheel jeeps and they love them!