Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Makeovers and Monkeys

Well? How do you like it?? I made this layout all by myself. I thought it was time for a new look. I have made my own layout once before and it really wasn't to my liking, so I have paid for them ever since then. I am so glad I gave it a try because I really like this one...I'm kinda proud of myself!

We took Carter to the zoo yesterday. It was his first time and he had a blast! He really enjoyed all of the animals and even though it was very hot, he never whined once and had a smile on his face for the entire day. He loved the orangutans in the Rainforest and I'm pretty sure he had a conversation with one of them. It was such a fun day and I cannot wait to take him again!! Excuse the picture quality...for some reason, my point-and-shoot doesn't deal with red very well. 

As we were walking at the zoo, it hit me that we will not be able to do things like that with our family of 4 as easily once Brooklyn is born. Steven is amazing when it comes to making sure Carter and I get around easily. He came up with the idea of putting Carter on my shoulders and resting his butt on the handles of my wheelchair so he could push us both around comfortably. It worked perfectly for us and we did it all day. Having another baby may make things like that impossible. We will probably need help when going on trips like that. As much as I like to think that my disability doesn't hold me back from being the mother I want to be, reality sometimes puts me in my place. As excited as I am for Brooklyn to be born, I will be enjoying the rest of the summer as a mommy of one. I plan on taking full advantage of being able to go places and do things as a family with ease. Then the fun begins!

I hope you all have a great week. Be sure to stop by theschulerfamily.net for an adorable giveaway from Bloomz! Also, don't forget to check out the Baby Flair giveaway at oxboroughchaos.com!


Unknown said...

Hi Candi!

I love the new layout! Isn't it great to know you did it yourself! I think I'll need to take some lessons from you!

Stacemoe said...

The new layout looks great...Way to go!!!! And how cute are ya'll all dressed in red at the Zoo!!! Super cute family! Can't wait to see Miss Brooklyn! You are such an amazing Mommy and I am sure you will do great as a Mommy of two! :)

sara said...

Love the new layout! The zoo looks really fun. I love these warm summer months. You have amazing strength and are going to do great as a mom to your future daughter as well. If only more moms were like you those kiddos would be lucky!

HereWeGoAJen said...

It looks like a fun day at the zoo! Plus, I really like the new layout.