Our tax return has pretty much came and went. About 3/4 of it went to bills, which we feel wonderful to be caught up on. Then we went to BJ's and stocked up on diapers, wipes, Tylenol/Motrin, Pediasure, and other baby necessities. We will be good for close to 2 and a half months. With Steven being out of work for 3 months, we were more behind on bills than ever before. Like, I'm talking shut-off notices. Since SSI still has not added Carter into the mix, my monthly disability hasn't gone up, let alone the fact that they are still paying me as if Steven is working. Funny how they can go 15 months without paying me for something, but they know right away when they should be lowering my payment. I brought them Carter's Social Security card and birth certificate shortly after he was born, but they said with Steven's job, a 3rd family member wouldn't affect my payment...which was fine. When Steven lost his job, I began hounding them every day, faxing them all the info they'd need. Steven is 3 months out of work and I just got an appointment for this Tuesday.
Steven heard a good word on one of the applications he put in!! We are hoping he will be back to work within the next couple of weeks. Praise God. I will miss having him around during the daytime, but I know how bad he feels about himself that he isn't financially providing for us. It is very hard on him. He is such a great help around the house and with Carter, what he doesn't realize is how proud and appreciative I am of him. This time with him has been a blessing to me, Carter, our home, and our marriage.
We did have a little fun with our return...well, Carter did! We got him a small flat-screen TV and a DVD player for the playroom. We also went today and picked up a DVR/Cable box for him...do you know what that means!?! No more Yo Gabba Gabba in the living room 24/7! So, maybe it was a little for us, LOL! We also got a futon for the playroom so we can go in there with him and lounge. We were at Walmart and I grabbed him some Mega Blox because he plays with them when we are at our BFF's house and he loves them. Steven got him Rocky the Robot Truck...OMG cutest toy ever!! I could watch him dance all day!! Carter likes to put his sippy in the back so Rocky can dump it. So cute. I will post pics of our revamped playroom when it is 100% finished. As for Steven and I, we treated ourselves a bit. I got a 1TB external hard drive and a 28-135mm lens...which I am beyond excited to receive. Steven got some video game stuff...but he would rather spoil us more than himself. It's just the kind of husband and father he is. Don't worry...I have a big surprise in store for him!! One he will never see coming!!
Carter has been a very bad boy at bedtime lately. He is on a sleep strike all of a sudden and will not go to sleep when we put him to bed. He isn't napping any more or any less that usual...just 1 nap per day. When we put him in bed, he screams and cries for about an hour before we go in there. I am all for the CIO method, but I will not leave him to cry for over an hour. I think he may have a slight ear infection. He occasionally rubs his ear...but other than that, he seems ok. But my mommy instinct says something is up, so he will be going to the pedi this week. She wants to see him anyway to check his weight. Last time we were there, she was a little concerned since he was only in the 3rd percentile with weight, but in the 75th percentile with height. He loves his Pediasure and drinks it every day, so I think he will be just fine. He is just so active. He is walking everywhere now, and if he isn't eating or sleeping, he is playing. He spends most of his time taking each toy out of his toybox, walking over to the other side of the room, and putting said toy in his basketball hoop...then going "Oooohh!" He will repeat this over and over until just about every toy is out of the toybox. It is hilarious to watch.
I am so sorry there are no pictures to post...we have been so busy. Steven is getting ready to put the futon together, so I will take pics before and after Carter wakes up in the morning and empties the toybox into the basketball hoop! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!