Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Night Blogging

Ok, this is weird. I'm blogging at night. Normally, I blog in the morning when I wake up because that's when I have the most down time. Steven started 2nd shift last night, so I have at least 2 whole hours to myself between the time I put the kids to bed and the time he gets home from work. Last night I had a bunch of laundry to do, so I didn't get to enjoy my time. Tonight, I made sure to get everything done while the kids were watching TV before bed. Now, I'm sitting here with a cup of tea...just relaxing. I can get used to this! 

Today was actually one of the most stressful days I've had in awhile. I have decided to bring a nurse back in during the day for a little extra help. In order to do this, I have to be put back on the Medicaid Waiver Program. I cannot believe all of the hoops they are making me jump through. I spent the entire day getting all of the documents together that they need. I'm not even kidding...they asked for bank statements, insurance cards for every member if my family, and even copies of the titles and registration for our cars! What?! I know it's because they want to figure out how much of a spend down I will end up with. When Steven was out of work, they didn't ask for anything. They were like, "Oh, you aren't working? Here's everything you'll need to get by." No wonder some people live off the system all their lives! I for one, don't think that's a very rewarding way to lie your life, but there are so many people that make living off of government assistance a lifetime opportunity. It is meant to help those who need it when they need it. Maybe if more people treated it that way, it wouldn't be so hard for people like me to get it without having to sign over their first born during the application process! Ok...end rant.

Now that I'm all stressed out again, LOL...I think I'll watch Dancing with the Stars and read a bit before my husband gets home!

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