Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Don't Mess With the Zofran

LOL, sorry...couldn't help myself. I want to see the new Adam Sandler movie, Don't Mess With the Zohan...thought it would be a funny title. But seriously, its true! Nobody mess with my miracle drug!! I am feeling human for the 1st time in 6 weeks...I like food again!! It was scary to know that I had actually lost 3 pounds. I knew the baby wasn't getting what she needed. I wasn't even getting what I needed. I felt so sick and so weak. I just wanted everyone to leave me alone to puke by myself. Very scary!

So...I got my diaper bag!! Very exciting! I saw it on eBay for $100. It is originally between $250-$300 normally, so I had to grab it up. It is a black, Juicy Couture bag and it says "Couture Baby" on the front. I can't wait to fill it up!!

We also got a bassinet. One of the big cheeses that Steven works for just had a baby boy. He brought in a barely used Eddie Bauer bassinet (white and tan) and gave it to us! I thought it was very nice of him and his wife to think of us like that. Anyway, it is in the nursery and it is just so neat to look at it and know that in 6 months, my baby will be in there! I am so emotional these days!!

Well, still waiting impatiently for my next appointment!! I will update again when something exciting happens!


HereWeGoAJen said...

Don't worry about the baby. For the most part, in all situations that aren't extreme, the baby will take what it needs and leave the rest for you. So I am sure that it will be fine, even though you had a rough time of it. It's great that you are feeling better though and that is definitely the optimal situation!

All your preparation is making me feel behind!

JW Moxie said...

I'm glad to read that you're feeling so much better!

sara said...

I'm glad you're feeling better, that's a relief! Congrats about getting some cool baby stuff. One of my goals is to have a kick butt diaper bag, so it's cool you found one on sale :-)

Tina said...

I ate Zofran like candy when I was pg. I'm glad it helped you.