Friday, June 20, 2008

2nd trimester!!

Hello! I'm still alive, LOL! I actually had a bit of a breakdown, so I had to back off from the internet for awhile. I have been reading about a lot of terrible things happening to women in the IVF world lately and I think it all just hit home. I woke up last week in the middle of the night crying because I had convinced myself that the baby's heart had stopped. Now that I know all of the things that can go wrong, I play them over and over in my head until I am sure they will happen to me. So, for my own safety and the baby's, I have decided to step back a little bit from message boards, blogs, and websites. I'm still here, just trying to do what I can to keep my body and my mind healthy for the baby.

As for the pregnancy...I am doing great. I'm getting huge and still feeling woozy every day. I kinda thought the 2nd trimester would come and magically wisk away all of my morning sickness...I was very wrong!! I am still taking my Zofran every day and can't wait until I don't need it anymore!!

So, that's pretty much all. 6 more days until our gender scan!! I'll be sure to update with either pink or blue writing! Here's a 13w2d bump pic...I'm getting huge!!


Not in the Water said...

Hey Candi -

Glad you're back. But I totally get it. The internet can be EVIL!! You can drive yourself nuts if you let it. I just a read a few blogs b/c of that and try my best not to lurk on any I don't know about it.

You'll be ok :0) You're in the 2nd trimester which is great. Better said than done, but try to relax :) Email if you need to!

HereWeGoAJen said...

I'm surprised that you are getting a gender scan so early! My office doesn't do them until 20 weeks. They looked at my last ultrasound (sixteen weeks) but the baby was upside down and had it's legs crossed. We aren't finding out anyway, so it didn't matter.

Happy Second Trimester! I hope the morning sickness goes away soon!

JW Moxie said...

Glad to hear from you! There has been a lot of bad stuff around lately, so I surely don't blame you for taking a few steps back and taking a breather.

I can't wait to hear about your u/s! Cute belly!

sara said...

Cute picture, you look great! I'm glad you're back and to hear that you're doing well. I'm excited to find out what you're having, for some reason I'm getting the little girl vibe about your pregnancy. It'll be fun to find out. Try to take it easy, keep popping that Zofran and not worry too much. The internet has so many horror stories it can drive the sanest of us crazy, I know what you mean. But we're going to be A OK you and I. Hugs!

nancy said...

You have such a teeny little belly. Just wait until you are really "huge" and you'll laugh at calling yourself huge now. Have you seen my belly pics? They are ridiculously gigantic.

Have you thought about getting a doppler? I rented one already and at 9 weeks, I listen to my baby's heartbeat multiple times a day. It makes me feel less uneasy about things in the world.

s.e. said...

Good to hear your voice. And your belly is adorable. I hope the scary feelings and wooziness disappear for you soon.

Maria said...

LOL, you're not huge at all!! Your baby bump is so cute!!

I can't wait till you know!!!

Tina said...

Cute pic. It is always so exciting the few weeks before gender scan. I guess