Sunday, June 26, 2011

Why Brooklyn Had 3 Baths Yesterday

So, yesterday was by far the most difficult day (physically) I have had since I entered the crazy world of motherhood. Steven had to work 7am-7pm and I was with the kids all day by myself. Normally, I have a little help, but yesterday was Saturday and everyone was either working or busy. No big deal...they're my kids. I can handle it. Famous last words.

The day began fairly normally. We took Carter to the drive-in to see Cars 2 on Friday night, so he slept in a bit. Normal morning. The afternoon was when things started to go crazy. We had leftover subs in the refrigerator that we were planning on eating for lunch. I got Brooklyn in her Pack n' Play with a bottle of apple juice then set Carter up at the table with his food. Then I got my own. About 5 minutes later, I looked over at Brookie and she was covered in juice from head to toe. I put my sandwich down and took her into the bathroom for a "sink tubby" as Carter calls it. He followed me in, of course. I got her cleaned up and brought her back out to get dressed. As I came back into the kitchen, our boxer Bianca is licking her lips. I knew. Both of our subs were gone. 

I got Carter some cereal for lunch, fixed the leaky juice bottle and put both kids down for their naps. I wiped down the inside of the playpen and did some housework while they were asleep. The afternoon after that was pretty non-eventful. 

My aunt brought my little cousins over after nap time. They stayed for a little while and visited. After they left, Brooklyn started to fall asleep in my arms, so I made a bottle and put her in her crib. I listened in on the baby monitor and peeked in every few minutes. She didn't fall asleep, but was perfectly content playing with her crib toys. After about 15 minutes, Carter and I went in to get her. I was putting clothes away in her drawers, so when Carter climbed in her crib with her, I didn't mind. I went to grab them back out and I see something brown up Carter's arm. I was like "Oh no! He pooped!" Well, I was wrong. It was Brooklyn...and it was everywhere. I called my mom for re-enforcements! She is on night shift, so she was home sleeping. I got Carter out, undressed, wiped down, and got him in the tub. Then I went back for her. There was no way to pick her up and wheel us both into the bathroom without covering myself in poop...but I had to do it. So, I put her in my lap, poop and all, and got her to the sink...again. I started to get her undressed and my mom came in. Thank God! She took over with Brooklyn and I got myself washed up and changed my clothes. Then I finished Carter's bath. I got all of the poopy clothes and bedding in the wash and I had to wipe down the entire crib. It was awful!

Needless to say, I was exhausted by the time Steven got home. At some point after the 2nd bath, something got all over Brookie's face and hair. I assume it was baby food, because it ended up drying and got all crusty...bath #3. We ordered out for dinner because I had absolutely no time to cook, then I went straight to bed. And I'm up this morning doing it all over again...hopefully without the poop! Thank God Steven is off for the next 2 days!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you handled it wonderfully. So proud of you. Wish you lived a little closer so your family at Mallory Wesleyan could help out.