Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Making it Work

Steven is doing great with his new job. It has been somewhat tough because he works swing shift, 12 hour days. I have had very little help, especially when he works from 7pm-7am. I am not able to transfer myself into my bed from my wheelchair, so I have had to stay up all night long to be sure that I can care for the kids in the event that they may need me in the middle of the night. I am, however, able to get to the couch by myself. So, I went to Babies R Us last night and got the Delta Portable Crib
Now, I can put it next to me, whether I have help into bed or I get to the couch alone. Carter is mobile enough to be able to come to me if he needs me, so I will just have to be sure I have everything I could possibly need within reach before I lay down for the night. 

While I was at Babies R Us, I finally caved and purchased the Combi All-in-One Activity Walker in pink for Brooklyn. I have been wanting to buy it for a long time and I just had to do it! Isn't it adorable?
She is still getting the hang of it, since Carter's old Jeep Liberty Renegade Walker has back wheels that only go forward and backward...and these ones also go side to side. She will figure it out in no time!

So...onto me. About 3 weeks ago, I caught my big toenail on my shoe when I was putting it on and it bent backwards. It was all bloody underneath and started to pull away from my nail bed. I caught it a couple more times after that, since it was sticking up a bit. It just kept getting worse, so I called my doctor and told her. She told me to put Neosporin on it and keep it covered. I did as she said and it just never got any better, so she referred me to a specialist. I went today. He told me I had 2 choices. I could keep the nail and he could poke a hole in it to drain the blood underneath, or he could remove the nail. He said it would eventually fall off anyway, so I told him just to take it off so I could speed up the process. I was not at all excited about going all summer with no toenail, but he said I could keep a Band-Aid over it so nobody could see it. He gave me 3 injections to numb my foot and removed my was still painted pink. I went directly to Walmart and bought leopard print Band-Aids for the re-growth process, which will take 6-9 months. I tell you, only I can injure my foot without ever walking on it!

Well, I'm off to play with the kiddos for the last hour before Steven gets home from work...then we are grilling out for dinner! Yum!! 


Stacemoe said...

So glad you were able to get the Portable Crib to make things easier when you are there alone with the kids!!! The new walker is so cute and even cuter with sweet Brooklyn in it!!! :) Praying your new nail grows in quickly!! Have a yummy night grilling out!!! JEALOUS!!!

Heather said...

Ouch! You poor thing! Love the fabulous band-aids to cover it though!

Tara said...

You kick ass, lady. Your strength and determination and ability to find a way to do the tough things really are inspiring.

And, the leopard print bandaids are a great idea!

portable crib bedding said...

love that portable crib.